Before the war, our facilities were concentrated in the hero cities of Kharkiv and Kyiv, which affected the work of our business. We are currently resuming printing and every order you place allows us to continue working further.
Glory to Ukraine!
We are a printing house from Ukraine.
News: "We have news!"

We are excited to announce that we have formed a team that will keep you up to date with the latest developments and publish periodic articles on book making.

We plan to launch one of two article cycles to choose from:

• "From the author's pen to the heart of the reader."
A first-person account of the stages of creation of your favorite works. Interviews with participants in the process (authors, philologists, technologists, suppliers and possibly material producers) will be published, or a little research will be conducted, and we will introduce you to historical references.

• "History of world bestsellers".
We will introduce you to the best works of authors and events that had a direct impact on the birth and creation of masterpieces, we will tell you about the economic and political situation in which the masters of the pen lived and created.

Waiting for you in our Instagram. Tell us what you would like to see, and we will do our best to create quality content.

Thank you for being with us!

And something else..
Who is John Galt?
Duration of reading is 4 minutes
"DRUKBUK" LLC Ukraine, Kamianske, Medichna 24 EDRPOU 43595110
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